Monday, May 28, 2012

Jessica and CJ Corona

Have you ever seen anyone win second place as triumphantly and with as much grace as Jessica Sanchez? In a world which seems to believe, “second is first loser,” Jessica demonstrated to us that there are times when there is no such thing as losing. One can win just as much or even more than the winner even by coming in second.

After all, American Idol is a voting contest. There is no guarantee the voters will vote correctly and for the right reasons. In the case of Jessica, there was no question at all who was the better singer. She presented one big performance after another finishing finally with a screaming jazz and soul duet number with Jennifer Holliday that left no doubt at all what she was capable of, no doubt at all we were looking at another great Filipina singer following after a very long tradition of great Filipina singers. This tradition follows after big names like Pilita, Kuh Ledesma, Lea Salonga and so many others. Their image resonates in the minds of most Filipino viewers. It was this role Jessica played so well. Is it any surprise the Americans missed it entirely? Phillip Phillips looked exactly like the all-American-male, guitar strumming, country-folk singer, an image which dominated the American Idol competitions for the last five years. He was bound to win.

And yet it was the manner by which Jessica took in all these that should make all of us proud. Her statements after the contest, how she loved Phillip’s music, the way she never complained about losing gives us a good example of sportspersonship at a time when competitions often grow desperate and bloody. It is an example which should not be lost on those who have viewed or have been directly involved in the impeachment trial of CJ Renato Corona.

Read more here and American Idol news here

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